Patti Stanger created an overnight Bravo sensation as the star of her own reality series The Millionaire Matchmaker. As a matchmaker, she has been in the enviable position of having men all over the country open up and reveal what made them want to settle down—and what sen
Become Your Own Matchmaker: 8 Easy Steps for Attracting Your Perfect Mate
I agree w/ the reviewers who said take this w/ a grain of salt
There is some really good practical advice about being the best you that you can be and excellent advice about taking a break from dating for a time while you get your head cleared of any negative talk.
I don't think redheads need to dye their hair to attract a man. I don't think you need to have long hair to attract a man, especially if you don't good w/ long hair (I look awful w/ long hair. never have looked good w/ it. My hair looks best when it's a medium length) and I don't think you need to run around w/ an index card sized calling card w/ your photo and personal stats on it (although it might be useful if you're attending a lot of dating events). To me that just comes off a bit weird. but the suggestions to take time w/ your appearance even if you're just running out to the grocery store and for a few errands, did prove useful. (met 2 guys at the hardware store when I was buying some tools and later another time when I was in the gardening section. A lot of...
Become Your Own Matchmaker: 8 Easy Steps for Attracting Your Perfect Mate is one of best selling in Interpersonal Relations category.
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